“So get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave. Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and left during the night for Egypt.” (Matt 2:13b-14)
It is difficult to imagine how many people will be wandering about or crossing frontiers during this Christmas. Only here in Congo, since September this year, another 250.000 are “on the road”. “Displaced due to the war” is what they are called. However, this year our prayers and thoughts are in favor of those who once fled war and threats of violence or forced recruitment and who now are “sent back home”, to Kongo, by the Swedish Office of Migration.
“Home”, is that in the East where the houses were looted and burnt and where your wife was killed because she couldn’t say where you were? “Home” is that where your son disappeared seven years ago? And you have no idea whether this, now 13 year old, boy is dead or alive.
Or is “home” Kinshasa, where the International Airport is located, some 1000 miles from where you fled? Where people are suspicious of you because you speak Swahili instead of Lingala, where your name is different and maybe also your looks. Can Kinshasa, this huge African melting-pot where the unemploy-ment rate is 80%, where public schools and hospitals are non-functional ever be home?
Well, we don’t know. We pray that those with whom we are in contact shall remain in good spirit and survive Christmas. We pray that support groups in Sweden shall have success but most of all we pray for peace, sustainable peace and reconstruction in eastern Congo, so that fleeing will no longer be necessary.
And we invite You to take part in our prayers. As you celebrate His birthday, and think about Him as one of the world’s millions of refugees, we invite You to pray and act in favor of refugees near you.
May 2009 be a year of Peace and Hope
not only for You
but for the whole world
Anne, Carl, Gabriel o Laetitia Sundberg